Friday, July 15, 2016

Why You Should Be Drinking Whole Milk

I grew up on skim-milk and really had no clue what I was drinking...and neither did my parents. We just figured (like most of us) that skim milk is better for you because it contains less fat and will make you "slim", help you to lose weight, better for your cholesterol, etc. We have all been brain-washed to believe that 'fat-free', 'skim', and 'low-fat' is better for us, when in reality, it is making us so unhealthy and causing the obesity rate to continue to climb. The big "fat-free" trend started in the 80s and have you noticed the correlation to increased obesity since then??? It is all related and we have been completely fooled.
Luckily we are in charge of what we buy and we can change the trend!
More and more studies have come out showing that full-fat items, like milk, is actually healthier for you, will not cause you to gain weight, and will not effect your cholesterol.
Here are some findings:

  • "Full-fat dairy products may make you feel fuller than nonfat versions, which could cause you to eat fewer sugary foods and carbohydrates." - Pediatric doctor, Mark DeBoer
  • "A recent review published in the European Journal of Nutrition of the existing research on dairy fat came to some surprising conclusions: People who eat full-fat dairy are no more likely to develop cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes than people who stuck to low-fat dairy. When it comes to weight gain, full-fat dairy may actually be better for you, the review found. "In terms of obesity, we found no support for the notion that low-fat dairy is healthier, says Dr. Mario Kratz"" - Time
One of my favorite articles about whole milk vs skim milk is from The Healthy Home Economist. Here's just a little blurb from her site:

"How does drinking skim milk make kids (and adults) fatter? This apparent paradox occurs when you reduce the saturate fat in a person's diet and he/she turns to carbs to fill in the gap. It is the grains and sugars that truly make you fat, not saturated fat. I've said before on the blog that the more butter and cream I eat, the easier it is to maintain my weight. MUCH easier. The same goes for all of us. If you drink skim milk, you will be missing out on the satiating, blood sugar and insulin steadying affects of saturated fat, so your body will automatically give you your sugar and carb cravings to make up for it. The body is able to MAKE saturated fat out of sugars, hence the sugar cravings that are impossible to control when you eat a low fat diet that includes skim milk."

Also, dairy producers also add skim powder to skim milk. Here's some dirty secrets about skim powder from "Dirty Secrets of the Food Processing Industry" from the Weston A. Price website (also quoted on The Healthy Home Economist's site):

"A note on the production of skim powder: liquid milk is forced through a tiny hole at high pressure, and then blown out into the air. This causes a lot of nitrates to form and the cholesterol in the milk is oxidized. Those of you who are familiar with my work know that cholesterol is your best friend; you don't have to worry about natural cholesterol in your food; however, you do not want to eat oxidized cholesterol. Oxidized cholesterol contributes to the buildup of plaque in the arteries, to atherosclerosis. So when you drink reduced-fat milk thinking it will help you avoid heart disease, you are actually consuming oxidized cholesterol, which initiates the process of heart disease."

I made the text of that last quote bigger for a reason...when you consume oxidized cholesterol, you are jump starting the process of heart disease. Exactly what you didn't want when consuming skim milk, right? I know! The food industry is run by big brands that don't care about what is in your food. They care about making a buck. Like most yogurt companies, they wanted to make a fat-free yogurt so they took out all the good qualities of milk, pumped it with crap and awful, harmful ingredients, plus a lot of fake sugars, all to make it taste good.

Anyway, I hope that I have at least opened your eyes to a few new things regarding whole milk and skim milk. I love whole milk! It is all we will drink! Especially love brand (picture) at the top. Something about whole milk from grass-fed cows...just tastes right and how it is supposed to be. I'll talk later about why you want grass-fed ;)

Love and thank you for reading!


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